Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Reading Practice

I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was full of family time and delicious treats!  Our class was excited to share all about their weekend and the things they are thankful for.

We've been super busy at school.  Grade One's have been sent home with their Word Family Books to #10.  Grade Two's have been busy practicing their Dolch Word Lists for extra practice before we begin Raz kids as the Home Reading Program.  Please continue to read regularly with your child.  Reading is the most important skill a child learns in Grade One, where the emphasis is on learning to read.  In Grade Two, the emphasis shifts to reading to learn.  Therefore, the stronger your child's reading skills are, the easier Grade Two will be.  As well, every Friday is our spelling quiz day.  Spelling words will be written in your child's agenda at the beginning of each week.  Thanks for setting some time aside at home to practice these weekly words.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

Please stay tuned for information regarding the upcoming Halloween parade.

Thanks for visiting our blog,

Mrs. M. Novak

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