Monday, 22 April 2019

Choosing the Right Book...

Choosing the right book.  Some children may choose a book that is just right, too easy or too hard.  We have talked about what each book would look like.  I have written some descriptors that we generated together.

Too Easy (not really paying attention/reading too fast)
Have you read it lots of time before?
Do you understand the story very well?
Do you know almost every word?
Can you read it smoothly?

Just Right (paying attention to words/not stuck on every word/not rushing)
Is the book new to you?
Do you understand a lot of the book?
Are there just a few words a page you don't know?
When you read, are some places smooth and some choppy?

Too Hard (can't understand words/reading so, so, so slowly)
Are there more than 5 words on a page you don't know?
Are you confused about what is happening in most of the book?
When you read, does it sound pretty choppy?
Is everyone else busy and unable to help you?

Together in Leanring,
Mrs. M. Novak