Saturday, 23 March 2019

March News & Requests...


In math, we have been working on Geometry where the students are identifying common 
two-dimensional shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, etc.).  We are also working on three-dimensional figures (cylinder, sphere, cone, triangular prism, pyramid, rectangular prism, cube, etc.).  The students will be required to sort and classify them by their particular attributes (e.g., colour, size, sides, lengths, and corners, etc.) using concrete materials and pictorial representations.  Students will investigate how shapes work together to make new shapes and creating pictures with 2D shapes.  Geometry vocabulary can be challenging for students!  With your child, look for 2D shapes and 3D figures in the environment to help familiarize them with some of the mathematic language (e.g., another word for vertices is corners). 

Classroom Donations

If you haven’t had the chance to send any in this year, please help us out!  We are in need of plastic spoons and we are always in need of glue sticks. Most students have run out at this time in the year.  Any donations are always greatly appreciated!

Together in learning,
Mrs. M. Novak