We are working hard at becoming stronger writers and writing several sentences that make sense! We have been working on Narrative Writing (story writing) and our goal is to write a story with a beginning, middle and end. When the children write a narrative, these are the following criteria that need to be considered when writing:
Beginning - Introduce the characters and the setting. Middle - Time for the plot. Introduce the problem. The problem the character(s) faces is straightforward to understand. Add the details/events of what is happening in the story. The story contains the details. It has a beginning, middle and end, and a logical sequence. End - Solve the problem in the story. This is called the solution. The resolution to the story is logical and simple to understand. Make your ending satisfying to the reader.
You can always encourage your child at home to write a story about something that really interests them (e.g., holidays they love to celebrate, games they like to play). Finding the motivation to write is key and one page can turn into two or three!
"Peep-achute" Challenge
We have a special STEM challenge coming up next week that we'll be doing with our Reading Buddies! Our challenge requires us to design and engineer a parachute for a Peep Rabbit to safely fly in. We are in need of marshmallow bunny "Peeps," rubber bands, coffee filters (basket type), and string. If you are able to help us out with any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated!
Together in Learning,
Mrs. M. Novak