Thursday, 16 November 2017

Kids A-Z Home Reading Program

Kids A-Z (Raz Kids) is an online reading program that your child can use at home! This program will help to provide the extra reading practice that is important to your child's reading development.  They need to read, listen and self-record reading while following along.  The children are also encouraged to do the comprehension quizzes as well.

The children were given a special log-in and password information today (glued to front page of their agenda).  It would be a good idea to add the address to your computer's "Favourites" bar.  I am in the process of navigating my way through the website. I hope that you and your child enjoy exploring this fun resource!  This will be our home reading program for the year.

Just a reminder that Spelling quizzes take place on Friday mornings.  Remember that spelling test marks are not recorded for use on Report cards, but a large sight word vocabulary will help your child meet Ministry Expectations in both Reading and Writing.  The most important part of spelling is your son or daughter's ability to use these words in their journal writing and daily writing.

Thank you for your support in helping to make our spelling/word study program and reading program a success!

Together in learning,

Mrs. M. Novak

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Parent/Teacher Conference Reminder

Just a quick reminder to please sign up for parent-teacher conferences online at   There are lots of openings still available after school on November 16 and in the morning on November 17.  Please note that our Book Fair will be running in the library during conference hours.  I look forward to meeting with you!

Together in learning,
Mrs. Novak